A family friend, Connie, made this for our family . . . . Thanks Connie!!. Remember to pause the playlist at the bottom of the page before playing the video.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas . . . The time of year we stop and reflect on the true meaning of the season. We recall the stories told to us as children about the virgin Mary and her young husband, Joseph, and the long journey they made to bring their baby into the world. We recall the story of a baby, our saviour, born in a stable because there was no room in the inn.
Christmas . . . . .The time of year we decorate our homes on the inside and out to rejoice in the season! Nana gives the kids each a new ornament to hang on their Christmas tree. We beg the men in our lives to hang the lights up outside.
Christmas . . . . .The time of year we hear everyone singing along to beautiful Christmas carols. We teach our own children the songs we were taught long ago. We delight in hearing youngsters singing the songs how they hear them. "Oh bring us some piggy pudding, Oh bring us some piggy pudding, and bring it right now!" Brogan's rendition this year.
Christmas . . .The time of year most youngsters are being extra good so they can stay on the nice list or get off the naughty list. And we adults, relish in the fact that we can hold the "Do you want me to call Santa?!?!" over them. The youngsters look through Christmas catalogs and watch commercials closely to write their wants down for their Christmas list. We give presents to those we love and smile as we watch them discover what's inside the package.
Christmas . . .The time of year we spend with our families and friends and find peace and comfort in the relationships we have. We schedule our gatherings so that we are able to see those we only see once a year.
This Christmas was spent doing much of the same as every Christmas past. I went Christmas shopping with my mom and sister in Denver, the kids and I put up our Christmas tree and stockings, we went to Christmas Eve mass with my family and opened gifts. Santa will be arriving soon and tomorrow we will go to the Wolf's for Christmas.
But this year, we are separated. Separated by 7,337 miles as my husband figured out today. This year, Mommy had to lug that heavy #$** tree upstairs all by herself. This year, Daddy will have to watch the gifts be opened on his computer, hours after they've been opened. This year, there is one empty chair at the dinner table. This year, there was a kiss during the sign of peace at mass that I didn't get. This year, there was no help for Santa's gifts after the children were nesteled all snug in their beds. This year, a long, long, LONG distance phone call held up gift opening because, but it was SO worth it!!
This year, we are saddened by the miles put between us, but we are also delighted by the thought of spending next Christmas TOGETHER!!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!!!
Christmas . . . . .The time of year we decorate our homes on the inside and out to rejoice in the season! Nana gives the kids each a new ornament to hang on their Christmas tree. We beg the men in our lives to hang the lights up outside.
Christmas . . . . .The time of year we hear everyone singing along to beautiful Christmas carols. We teach our own children the songs we were taught long ago. We delight in hearing youngsters singing the songs how they hear them. "Oh bring us some piggy pudding, Oh bring us some piggy pudding, and bring it right now!" Brogan's rendition this year.
Christmas . . .The time of year most youngsters are being extra good so they can stay on the nice list or get off the naughty list. And we adults, relish in the fact that we can hold the "Do you want me to call Santa?!?!" over them. The youngsters look through Christmas catalogs and watch commercials closely to write their wants down for their Christmas list. We give presents to those we love and smile as we watch them discover what's inside the package.
Christmas . . .The time of year we spend with our families and friends and find peace and comfort in the relationships we have. We schedule our gatherings so that we are able to see those we only see once a year.
This Christmas was spent doing much of the same as every Christmas past. I went Christmas shopping with my mom and sister in Denver, the kids and I put up our Christmas tree and stockings, we went to Christmas Eve mass with my family and opened gifts. Santa will be arriving soon and tomorrow we will go to the Wolf's for Christmas.
But this year, we are separated. Separated by 7,337 miles as my husband figured out today. This year, Mommy had to lug that heavy #$** tree upstairs all by herself. This year, Daddy will have to watch the gifts be opened on his computer, hours after they've been opened. This year, there is one empty chair at the dinner table. This year, there was a kiss during the sign of peace at mass that I didn't get. This year, there was no help for Santa's gifts after the children were nesteled all snug in their beds. This year, a long, long, LONG distance phone call held up gift opening because, but it was SO worth it!!
This year, we are saddened by the miles put between us, but we are also delighted by the thought of spending next Christmas TOGETHER!!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Happy Birthday 29th Birthday Kayla
Just want to take some time to wish my sister, Kayla, a very Happy 29th Birthday today!! Love you!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thank You
Thanks to many for the encouraging emails and prayers said for our family. Today was a much better day. I felt a peace and calmness throughout the day. I think the kids even had a better day today!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Songs
I absolutely LOVE Christmas music, so it only seemed natural to change the playlist to Christmas music!! I especially like Need to Breathe's version of Go Tell It On the Mountain. ENJOY!! Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A good cry in the middle of the week
The last week has been a little rough and it has slowly been building until this morning when I cried all the way to school. I dried my eyes to get through another classroom and finally into my classroom, where the tears instantly poured as the door shut behind me. I just wanted to feel Brian's arms wrapped around me. I just wanted a soft kiss on my forehead to remind me that I am loved and it will all be ok in the end. That's what I needed . . . . . . that's what I wanted . . . . . . but I knew in the reality of this deployment, that wouldn't be.
After turning the lights on in my classroom, I quickly had to shift roles from a blubbering army wife to a Kindergarten teacher with 21 talkative, rambunctious little ones be-bopping through my door. A few of them looked at me and with a sincere look of, "I wonder why Ms. Stacy's eyes are red?" but not a one of them said anything. I was happy that today was Wednesday and my 2 parent volunteers would be here in the morning to work with small groups. It brought a little change to my day and they are the most wonderful and dependable moms! I'm very, very lucky to have them this year!!
Lunchtime brought with it more tears when Brian didn't answer emails and wasn't showing up online to chat. At rest time, I shared my day with a wonderful friend that I work with. She is going through a rough time this year, too and we have had a few good therapy sessions during rest time this year. The lights are out, the waves are crashing (best CD to put 21 kids to sleep!), and we have 30 good minutes of therapy!! Today was no different. We cried with each other, we laughed about crying, and cried some more. BUT, our therapy session was interrupted early by a ringing cell phone and it was . . . . . . BRIAN!!
I was so glad to finally get to talk to him and cry. We talked for quite awhile and he helped ease my worries and clear my head. It was wonderful to get to talk with him, but it was getting late on his side of the world and he had just worked a double-shift and needed to get to bed for his 5 a.m. wake up.
You would think that my epidsodes of red eyes were over for the day, but I had a few more before the day was done. Some of the smallest, most insignificant things upset me today. I worked late tonight and as I left the school under a black sky, I began to cry once more. You see, when I would work late at school, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS call Brian and talk to him on the phone as I walk from the school doors to my van, just for safety. Yep, you guessed it, I cried because I couldn't call my husband on the other side of the world to make sure the boogey man wouldn't jump out and get me.
I thought I was the only one having a bad day until I picked the kids up from Nana and Papa's. When we got home and I was tucking Ainsley into bed, she was pretty bummed. Brogan was still finishing his milk, so I snuggled in beside Ainsley to see what was going on. We started talking and she was saying that she just feels really sad but she doesn't really know why. I simply said, "Do you miss Daddy?" and the flood gates opened. It makes me so sad, because it's usually her Daddy that would be laying in bed beside her, giving her a big hug telling her that it would be ok. But, Daddy was gone and she was stuck with this Mommy who was having her own meltdown. We cried together until Mr. Brogan came barreling up on the bed to see what all the excitement was about. He gave us both a hug and softly wiped Ainsley's tears off her cheek. (Take note of this, 'cause we don't always see the soft, affectionate side of Brogan. LOL) I tucked them both in bed and kissed them goodnight as they put their tired little heads on their deployment pillowcases. I smiled inside as I shut the lights off in their room when I thought of how Daddy is still a part of our bedtime routine with his handprint and sweet words of love on their pillows. It's as if they can truly put their fears and troubles in his hands and be granted sweet dreams.
Here's praying for a better tomorrow with less tears and more laughter!
After turning the lights on in my classroom, I quickly had to shift roles from a blubbering army wife to a Kindergarten teacher with 21 talkative, rambunctious little ones be-bopping through my door. A few of them looked at me and with a sincere look of, "I wonder why Ms. Stacy's eyes are red?" but not a one of them said anything. I was happy that today was Wednesday and my 2 parent volunteers would be here in the morning to work with small groups. It brought a little change to my day and they are the most wonderful and dependable moms! I'm very, very lucky to have them this year!!
Lunchtime brought with it more tears when Brian didn't answer emails and wasn't showing up online to chat. At rest time, I shared my day with a wonderful friend that I work with. She is going through a rough time this year, too and we have had a few good therapy sessions during rest time this year. The lights are out, the waves are crashing (best CD to put 21 kids to sleep!), and we have 30 good minutes of therapy!! Today was no different. We cried with each other, we laughed about crying, and cried some more. BUT, our therapy session was interrupted early by a ringing cell phone and it was . . . . . . BRIAN!!
I was so glad to finally get to talk to him and cry. We talked for quite awhile and he helped ease my worries and clear my head. It was wonderful to get to talk with him, but it was getting late on his side of the world and he had just worked a double-shift and needed to get to bed for his 5 a.m. wake up.
You would think that my epidsodes of red eyes were over for the day, but I had a few more before the day was done. Some of the smallest, most insignificant things upset me today. I worked late tonight and as I left the school under a black sky, I began to cry once more. You see, when I would work late at school, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS call Brian and talk to him on the phone as I walk from the school doors to my van, just for safety. Yep, you guessed it, I cried because I couldn't call my husband on the other side of the world to make sure the boogey man wouldn't jump out and get me.
I thought I was the only one having a bad day until I picked the kids up from Nana and Papa's. When we got home and I was tucking Ainsley into bed, she was pretty bummed. Brogan was still finishing his milk, so I snuggled in beside Ainsley to see what was going on. We started talking and she was saying that she just feels really sad but she doesn't really know why. I simply said, "Do you miss Daddy?" and the flood gates opened. It makes me so sad, because it's usually her Daddy that would be laying in bed beside her, giving her a big hug telling her that it would be ok. But, Daddy was gone and she was stuck with this Mommy who was having her own meltdown. We cried together until Mr. Brogan came barreling up on the bed to see what all the excitement was about. He gave us both a hug and softly wiped Ainsley's tears off her cheek. (Take note of this, 'cause we don't always see the soft, affectionate side of Brogan. LOL) I tucked them both in bed and kissed them goodnight as they put their tired little heads on their deployment pillowcases. I smiled inside as I shut the lights off in their room when I thought of how Daddy is still a part of our bedtime routine with his handprint and sweet words of love on their pillows. It's as if they can truly put their fears and troubles in his hands and be granted sweet dreams.
Here's praying for a better tomorrow with less tears and more laughter!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Mia is pouting
It's no secret that Mia is Brian's dog and NOT my dog. Brian is always reminding me to take care of her, feed her daily, check her water and give her some loving while he is gone (and yes, there's a little story behind all the reminders, but I won't go in to that today). Well, Mia has decided she doesn't like the idea of Brian being gone. . . . . I was trying to be nice and bought her a very nice, fluffy, warm bed to keep in the laundry room since I bring her inside at night. She took right to her bed and seemed to really enjoy it at first. When Brian came home at Thanksgiving, he even noticed how she would go right to her bed and stay on it. Well, last week, she must have realized that Brian wasn't going to be home for awhile and chewed a hole in her bed . . . . . . .

Brian, she's YOUR dog!!! Timber would have never done this!! He was so well mannered. LOL
Ainsley's Christmas Program
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I'll Be Brave This Christmas by Big Daddy Weave
My friend, Kara, shared this wonderful song with me yesterday. It is wonderful and speaks volumes to our family this Christmas season! We hope you enjoy!! Remember to go to the bottom and MUTE my playlist so you can hear the song on the video.
Brian's Address
I was officially notified today that I can release Brian's address!! (Brian called!!!) So, if you would like his physical address or even his email address, please email me and I will send it to you. Thanks for everyone's prayers for safety and readjustment, we are all slowly getting into a routine.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
OPOSSUM - I needed my husband last night!!
I am SUCH a city girl and I've never been afraid to admit it!! Ask my husband or my dad, I don't like creatures that move or look ugly, I'm scared of bugs and spiders, and to say that I'm TERRIFIED of birds is a huge understatement . . . . So, last night the kids and I are coming home from the grocery store around 7:30, and of course it's already dark outside, when - "What to my wandering eyes should appear?!?! A large, stupid, rat-looking rodent that showed no fear!!" Oh, sick I screeched as I followed him with my headlights walking up my sidewalk and around by the side of my house. My fingers quickly dialed Dad at home. He said to get Mia (our dog) in the house and go ahead and call the local police to see what they could do about it. About 10 minutes later, Officer Rummel arrived at the door and just kind of smiled and said, I'm sorry, but there's not much we can do." Oh, how I wish Brian would have been with me and he could have just shot the stupid thing!! Or even Timber, he killed an opossum when we lived in Wamego. Brave little dog!
I had thought the neighbors cats were eating Mia's dog food, but after talking to Leticia, I'm guessing it's the opossums and raccoons that they've also seen. And her cats are so used to the opossums and raccoons that they aren't really putting up a fight to them. I'm wondering now if they've been sleeping in Mia's dog box because she doesn't like to go in there much anymore.
So, needless to say, I dreamt about stupid opossums ALL . . . NIGHT . . . LONG!!! Stupid, ugly things were everywhere I turned in my sleep.
**If you hear Brogan say "stupid" I have no idea where he learned it!! LOL
I had thought the neighbors cats were eating Mia's dog food, but after talking to Leticia, I'm guessing it's the opossums and raccoons that they've also seen. And her cats are so used to the opossums and raccoons that they aren't really putting up a fight to them. I'm wondering now if they've been sleeping in Mia's dog box because she doesn't like to go in there much anymore.
So, needless to say, I dreamt about stupid opossums ALL . . . NIGHT . . . LONG!!! Stupid, ugly things were everywhere I turned in my sleep.
**If you hear Brogan say "stupid" I have no idea where he learned it!! LOL
Sunday, December 5, 2010
On His Way
Brian surprised us with another phone call this morning! The kids and I were just hanging out watching some t.v. when my cell phone started ringing. Ainsley has learned that we hurry to answer the phone just in case it's Daddy. We don't want to miss a phone call because we were too little too late with answering. . . so, she quickly got the phone and gave it to me, and sure enough - it was Brian!!
He sounded pretty beat! He said they were finally done with their field exercises and he had FINALLY gotten to SHOWER!! He hadn't been able to shower since he left Indiana - THAT WAS NOV. 29!!! YIKES!! Training itself was pretty crappy, so he was ready to get on the move to their home-camp. He figured they would be leaving sometime through the night to travel.
Ainsley was excited she got to talk to Daddy, too. She told him about her school work and helping Papa hang the Christmas lights. Then, it was Brogan's turn to talk, BUT Brogan said he "couldn't talk, I'm watching Kailahn". So, he hollered "bye, Love you, Daddy" and went right back to watching his cartoons. Good thing Brian and I have been through deployment phone calls with a toddler before and know that you can't force them to talk. I think once we get Brian a laptop and he is able to Skype then Brogan will find it more appealing to talk to Daddy.
Brian is supposed to send me his address when he gets to his camp. If you would like his address, please email me at ainsleysmom610@gmail.com. I will not be posting his address on the blog or facebook due to opsec.
Have a wonderful week!
He sounded pretty beat! He said they were finally done with their field exercises and he had FINALLY gotten to SHOWER!! He hadn't been able to shower since he left Indiana - THAT WAS NOV. 29!!! YIKES!! Training itself was pretty crappy, so he was ready to get on the move to their home-camp. He figured they would be leaving sometime through the night to travel.
Ainsley was excited she got to talk to Daddy, too. She told him about her school work and helping Papa hang the Christmas lights. Then, it was Brogan's turn to talk, BUT Brogan said he "couldn't talk, I'm watching Kailahn". So, he hollered "bye, Love you, Daddy" and went right back to watching his cartoons. Good thing Brian and I have been through deployment phone calls with a toddler before and know that you can't force them to talk. I think once we get Brian a laptop and he is able to Skype then Brogan will find it more appealing to talk to Daddy.
Brian is supposed to send me his address when he gets to his camp. If you would like his address, please email me at ainsleysmom610@gmail.com. I will not be posting his address on the blog or facebook due to opsec.
Have a wonderful week!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
We Got Mail!!
Brian told me on Monday that the kids should be receiving some letters in the mail. Brian usually just sends Ainsley a letter, thinking that Brogan really doesn't get it, but after talking to the chaplain he sent Brogan his very own letter. Brogan was so thrilled to pull his letter from the mailbox tonight!! He opened the letter and I told him I would read his letter from Daddy. When Daddy asked questions or told him to do something in the letter, Brogan responded as if Daddy could hear him. It was so cute! He told me he had to "go hang it on the fridge with his letters, just like Sissy dos." And that he did, right next to his Sissy's letter.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Suprised by a Phone Call
I was suprised by a phone call this morning!! On my way to work, the phone rang as I was going past Mingo, it was BRIAN!!! I was so excited and suprised to hear from him this early. He said they arrived in Kuwait about 2 hours after midnight (their time). He, along with 17 other soldiers, were chosen to go through an additional one week training, so he will not be arriving at his final destination until after the training. I will send everyone his address once he arrives at his destination. He would love to hear from you.
It was so good to hear his voice. . . . . I miss hearing his comforting tone that can ease all my worries and calm my nerves, AND even set me straight sometimes!! LOL I had gotten really used to just picking up my phone and calling him or texting him on my way to and from work over the last 2 months. We could talk without the interruptions of two children at home. I miss that!! I miss not hearing his ringtone on my phone throughout the day, too. It will be a long time before that song rings again on my cell phone, but I will be so happy to hear it again!!
It was so good to hear his voice. . . . . I miss hearing his comforting tone that can ease all my worries and calm my nerves, AND even set me straight sometimes!! LOL I had gotten really used to just picking up my phone and calling him or texting him on my way to and from work over the last 2 months. We could talk without the interruptions of two children at home. I miss that!! I miss not hearing his ringtone on my phone throughout the day, too. It will be a long time before that song rings again on my cell phone, but I will be so happy to hear it again!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
No Words
I intended on getting the blog updated, but I started with this picture and right now I just hurt too much to be able to type. Please keep us in your prayers and keep the rest of the 778th soldiers and their families in prayer too. Also pray for safe flights for the coming week.
We are strong and we will make it, right now, it's just easier said than done.
We are strong and we will make it, right now, it's just easier said than done.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Door of Change
Today was a long, long Thanksgiving day and Friday morning is coming much sooner than we want. I wanted to go do a little black Friday shopping at Wal-Mart for their midnight specials, so Brian and I loaded the kids up at 11:15 and headed to Colby. Brogan was so giddy in the van ride over saying, “We going shopping it’s dark out there.” We have never been to a black Friday sale at the opening, so none of us quite knew what to expect. Ainsley was mortified that her and Brogan were in their pajamas until she noticed they weren’t the only ones in Wal-Mart in jammies. We scoped out our locations and even had Ainsley standing a few feet away at another location for an item. It was fun!! At 12:00 the workers began cutting the plastic wrap from the items and people began grabbing. Since we were in small town America it was safe, but we did see about 5 police officers patrolling the store just in case. Ainsley and Daddy had something secretive going on and separated from Brogan and I so that they could shop. We all made it out safely around 12:40 and the kids were both in great moods despite the lack of sleep. They stayed awake on the trip home, but crashed quickly after we put them in their bed.
I finished packing the kids and I for our weekend in Denver and Brian finished going through the house and year-long reminders for me. Our 8:00 a.m. deadline was quickly approaching. Neither of us were wanting to go to sleep. We knew we both needed to sleep for the drive to Denver in the morning, but we both were thinking that sleep was of waste of time away from one another. We eventually gave in to sleep around three and the 5:30 alarm came much too quickly. Thank heavens we had a van-full going with us to Denver to keep everyone awake and safe.
Leaving the house was bittersweet. It’s like the young couple that leaves to go to the hospital to have their first baby. They leave as a young couple and return home – forever changed – as a family. We too left our home Friday morning as a family – knowing that we would return home without him – Daddy, my husband, my best friend. We also left knowing that we would have to walk through those doors, separated by thousands of miles, thousands of times before we could walk through once more as our family.
I finished packing the kids and I for our weekend in Denver and Brian finished going through the house and year-long reminders for me. Our 8:00 a.m. deadline was quickly approaching. Neither of us were wanting to go to sleep. We knew we both needed to sleep for the drive to Denver in the morning, but we both were thinking that sleep was of waste of time away from one another. We eventually gave in to sleep around three and the 5:30 alarm came much too quickly. Thank heavens we had a van-full going with us to Denver to keep everyone awake and safe.
Leaving the house was bittersweet. It’s like the young couple that leaves to go to the hospital to have their first baby. They leave as a young couple and return home – forever changed – as a family. We too left our home Friday morning as a family – knowing that we would return home without him – Daddy, my husband, my best friend. We also left knowing that we would have to walk through those doors, separated by thousands of miles, thousands of times before we could walk through once more as our family.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Taking a little time to appreciate and be thankful for what we have this year. This year’s Thanksgiving came at a time in our lives when we were aware of how thankful we should be for the normalcies of daily life in our home. We are thankful for being able to spend our Thanksgiving together as a family and look forward to eating pizza with 299 military families next Thanksgiving! (Inside joke with the TAG and the 778th HET Co.)
We are thankful for our families. You always step up to the challenge and lend a hand whether we ask or not. God knew what he was doing when he put you in our lives.
We are thankful for our friends that bring joy to our lives. We are thankful for the opportunity to be working for employers that appreciate us and have supported us this year. We are thankful for our health and happiness that we sometimes take for granted.
Most importantly, we are thankful for the freedom that Brian and many others defend on a daily basis. Without this freedom, we wouldn’t always have the things we are most thankful for. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.a
We are thankful for our families. You always step up to the challenge and lend a hand whether we ask or not. God knew what he was doing when he put you in our lives.
We are thankful for our friends that bring joy to our lives. We are thankful for the opportunity to be working for employers that appreciate us and have supported us this year. We are thankful for our health and happiness that we sometimes take for granted.
Most importantly, we are thankful for the freedom that Brian and many others defend on a daily basis. Without this freedom, we wouldn’t always have the things we are most thankful for. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.a
Waking Up to My Little Piece of Heaven
THIS is the little bit of heaven that I got to wake-up to this morning . . . . . . . .
I will live for more moments like this when we can all lie in the same bed, squished and crowded, once more.
Above and Beyond
Our family would like to recognize Brian's employer, Western Plains Energy, for their support. Employers have to keep a soldier's job available to the soldier upon returning from deployment, but WPE has went above and beyond what is expected of employers of deployed soldiers. They have been supportive and told Brian that if there is anything they can do, to just let them know. When Brian told them that he didn't know if he was going to be able to get home at Thanksgiving, Chris and Steve at WPE made it possible! They purchased the airline tickets for Brian!! I can't tell you how wonderful this gift to our family was.
Deployment can get pretty expensive when you have to purchase an additional items for your soldier to make their deployment as good as can be. Some of the items can be small toiletries, while others are "big ticket" items such as another laptop, camera, and internet to keep your soldier in communication with home. It all starts to add up . . . .and very quickly I might add. So, when WPE offered to purchase Brian's plane ticket this was a huge help to our family! They brought our loved one home and didn't even ask for anything in return.
Thank you Chris and Steve and the rest of the WPE employees and board members for supporting our family during this deployment.
Deployment can get pretty expensive when you have to purchase an additional items for your soldier to make their deployment as good as can be. Some of the items can be small toiletries, while others are "big ticket" items such as another laptop, camera, and internet to keep your soldier in communication with home. It all starts to add up . . . .and very quickly I might add. So, when WPE offered to purchase Brian's plane ticket this was a huge help to our family! They brought our loved one home and didn't even ask for anything in return.
Thank you Chris and Steve and the rest of the WPE employees and board members for supporting our family during this deployment.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dinner with the Wolf's
Tonight we had a wonderful evening with Brian’s parents, Dean and Charlotte, and Brian’s grandmother, Grandma Thummel. Brian’s sister, Cheryl, made an awesome supper which included Brian’s favorite desserts, no-bake cookies and Cheryl’s cherry bars. We had a few visitors stop in to say “Hi” and it was nice for Brian to get to see them before he left. It was nice to sit and visit with his parents and Grandma without the hustle and bustle of a filled house. The kids had fun playing on the organ and with some old cars that Grandma Charlotte had found in the basement. Some of them were even Daddy’s toys from his childhood. Ainsley and Daddy played a short song on the organ together. It was so fun to watch the two of them together. They are a great pair, Ainsley and Brian. Brogan had to join in too, he doesn’t like Ainsley to get any more Daddy-time than him.

The goodbyes also come with everyone offering help and support for Brogan, Ainsley and myself. We have many friends and family that let us know they are just a phone call away to help our family out in Brian’s absence. Sometimes it’s the offer of helping with house maintenance or the offer of watching the kids to give me some alone time. No matter how big or small, we are very grateful for every act of kindness bestowed upon our family. All of you are part of what helps keep Brian safe. He knows that his family at home is being taken care of and watched over, which he means he can rest easy and keep focused on the mission ahead. So, THANK YOU!!
HOME . . .
Today was filled with tons of emotions. My stomach was a ball of nerves and excitement. I had misplaced my military id, so I had to clean out my wallet and purse over lunch and found it in the console of my car. I forgot to bring my camera, so I grabbed the school camera to throw in my bag for the airport. We left Colby shortly after 4:00 yesterday to head to Denver to pick up Daddy from the airport. We hadn't even made it to Mingo and Brogan asked "Are we at the airport yet?" Oh, boy! This could be a long trip.
To keep everyone entertained along the way we watched movies, called Grandpa Dean to sing Happy Birthday, and even talked to Daddy before he got on his airplane. Brogan said he would wave at Daddy in the airplane when he was "watering" the rocks! (I think that's his favorite part about traveling!)
Brian text me to let me know they were on the ground and making their way to the gate. The kids and I were plastered to the window waiting for Daddy's plane to be in front of us. When the Frontier Airlines plane with a deer pulled into gate A28, Ainsley started jumping up and down with excitement because it was Daddy's plane. Brogan quickly followed suit. We went over to the gate as soon as the passengers started departing the plane. It seemed like it took for.ev.er for Brian to depart the plane. Finally, I seen the first DCU departing the plane and it happened to be my husband! I put Brogan down and both kids went running to the arms of their Daddy. Brian had to scoop them both up and move out of the way because he was blocking others from exiting. I never get tired of these homecomings!
Papa was pretty excited. It was midnight and he was still awake!! (This doesn't happen very often for Papa since his shingles 2 years ago.) All 4 of us told stories and teased one another to keep one another awake for the ride home. It was so nice to have Brian with me. Brian finally gave in to sleep after our Limon stop. The rest of us stayed awake the entire trip. We pulled in to Oakley around 4:30 or so. It was absolutely wonderful to sleep next to my husband! It's amazing how soundly you sleep when the one you love is snuggled in right beside you. . . . . . . .
To keep everyone entertained along the way we watched movies, called Grandpa Dean to sing Happy Birthday, and even talked to Daddy before he got on his airplane. Brogan said he would wave at Daddy in the airplane when he was "watering" the rocks! (I think that's his favorite part about traveling!)
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Ainsley & Brogan arrive at gate A28. |
We made it to the airport about 8:30, got our gate passes and quickly moved through security. It went better than I thought. The kids loved the moving walkways and escalators. We made it to Brian's gate with about 20 minutes to spare. I'm so glad I took the leash for Brogan. I know that some of you reading this may not agree with putting a toddler on a child-restraint, but let me tell you, I took it off for about 3 minutes once we got to Brian's gate and had to dirt-roll Brogan to the ground to get him to stop running away from me! The "tail" quickly went back on! The little stinker was just laughing as he was running away. Brogan was excited to see the luggage carts outside. He said, "Hey Buzz is on there. To infinety and beyond." That kept him entertained for a mere oh, let's say 5 minutes.
Brian text me to let me know they were on the ground and making their way to the gate. The kids and I were plastered to the window waiting for Daddy's plane to be in front of us. When the Frontier Airlines plane with a deer pulled into gate A28, Ainsley started jumping up and down with excitement because it was Daddy's plane. Brogan quickly followed suit. We went over to the gate as soon as the passengers started departing the plane. It seemed like it took for.ev.er for Brian to depart the plane. Finally, I seen the first DCU departing the plane and it happened to be my husband! I put Brogan down and both kids went running to the arms of their Daddy. Brian had to scoop them both up and move out of the way because he was blocking others from exiting. I never get tired of these homecomings!
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Daddy!!! |
Nana and Papa were waiting for us at baggage claim. It was 10:30 or so and none of us had eaten supper. Thank goodness there are restaraunts still open late near the airport. We had a bite at Village Inn before heading home. The kids were both so tired. They were asleep before we even left the Village Inn parking lot.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
One more wake up . . . . . .then HOME!!!
That's right!! Brian has one more wake-up and then he's flying home!! We are all pretty excited. Ainsley and I will both go to school in the morning and Brogan will go to Nana's. Papa and Nana will pick Ainsley up from school and then pick me up and we will head to Denver. Brian's plane is scheduled to land around 9:30! We'll pick him up and head back home. It'll be a late night, but it will be nice to sleep in our own beds . . . . together!!
Those 3 simple, yet wonderful words are about to come true . . . . 4-Day Pass!!! I hope our time goes slow and is filled with joyful memories to last a lifetime! I want it to be 4 days the kids remember all year long and then some.
Good night!
Those 3 simple, yet wonderful words are about to come true . . . . 4-Day Pass!!! I hope our time goes slow and is filled with joyful memories to last a lifetime! I want it to be 4 days the kids remember all year long and then some.
Good night!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A Bed Big Enough for 2!!

After his bath he said he was ready to go to bed, but as soon as Ainsley climbed in and lights went out, he decided it might not be as cool as he thought. It may be just like other beds and put him to sleep. After about 3 times out of bed for a drink of water, he finally decided to stay in there and he crashed. Now, I'm just hoping that he can stay in his bed ALL NIGHT! Wish us luck . . . . . 2 nights in that bed and then we get to go get Daddy at the airport! We are all excited for that!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sorry Honey - I HAD to
This is Brian right after Basic Training. He was 18. He's holding his niece, Megan who is now a Jr. in high school. Brian and I hadn't even met yet!! My mom showed this picture to Ainsley and Brogan and they couldn't figure out who it was. Ainsley said she didn't know Daddy had hair!! LOL
We love you honey, ugly glasses and all!!
We love you honey, ugly glasses and all!!
91.4 degree Floating Mortar Attack!! LOL
What a day!! Let's just say, I'm glad every Monday isn't a repeat of today!! I've been irritable, cried, laughed, and loved all in one day!!
I walked into my classroom today and was met with a heat blast! My room was 91.4 degrees!! And, while my room was a furnace, the rooms across the hallway were barely reaching 65 degrees. Our thermostat was having some issues for the day!! We left our rooms at 4 and it had "cooled" down to 80. Let's just say, not much learning was accomplished for the day.
I've met some wonderful families who become good friends in my Kindergarten classrooms, and today I was blessed by another family! One of the great moms of my room this year made me a beautiful scrapbook to fill with pictures from Brian's 4-day pass!! It was so unexpected, I couldn't help but cry as I turned each page and read the inscriptions that she choose. They were all so fitting for our journey! I can't wait to fill it with pictures from next week. Thanks Ashlee, Jake, Lewis, Mac and Levi!!
We had a great supper, the dishes were done, no laundry to do (actually I do, but the washer is broke, great excuse) and the kids had played great. It was bathtime! I usually do seperate bath times, but decided to let them bathe together since they were playing together so well. So, I put them in the tub and head into my room to get some stuff done when Ainsley starts SCREAMING "Brogan get out of the tub, quick!" "Mom, come here, HURRY!" I knew what had happened. Any other moms out there know what I'm about to see in the tub?!?! Yep, Brogan had a floater and he was so proud that he had totally grossed his sissy out and made her get out of the tub! Ainsley is completely grossed out and mortified while Brogan is laughing and saying "Look Sissy!" I was mad at the time, but later just had to laugh!!! We got the tub cleaned and Ainsley gave Brogan a little threat about not pooping in the tub or he was going to get vinegar!! He was pretty apologetic after that.
Finally, I was trying to rock Brogan to sleep tonight, but he was too interested in singing "the rocket song" (The Star Spangled Banner) with me to keep himself from falling asleep. He has gotten hooked on this song and won't let me sing my favorites "You Are My Sunshine" and "I Love You Brogan" because he KNOWS those are night-night songs. Anyways, he is starting to memorize the star spangled banner, so I decided to record it on the phone for Daddy to listen to. Daddy is at FOB all week, so I thought he could use some cheering up. Daddy called as soon as he got the message to let us know that he thought it was pretty cool. I told him about the whole bathtub incident and, you know Brian, he was laughing so hard he could hardly breath. I love that laugh - I can always pick him out in crowd by just listening for his laugh. We were enjoying our phone call since we hadn't talked for several days, but then he said, "Sorry Babe, I gotta go, the way people are moving around I think we are about to get a mortar attack." Crazy thought to be talking on the phone to your husband and he's about to be "under fire". Just to make it clear - it's all pretend right now. He's still "in country". So I could actually joke about it tonight and tell him to go take cover and get a good night's sleep.
Today was filled with so many different emotions. Tonight, I can sit back and laugh at everything that happened. I can go to sleep knowing that Brian will be ok through today's mortar attack and tomorrow's IED explosions. I can fall asleep with sweet thoughts of today and pleasant dreams for tomorrow. I hope you can too! Good night, sleep tight . . . . don't let the bed bugs bite.
I walked into my classroom today and was met with a heat blast! My room was 91.4 degrees!! And, while my room was a furnace, the rooms across the hallway were barely reaching 65 degrees. Our thermostat was having some issues for the day!! We left our rooms at 4 and it had "cooled" down to 80. Let's just say, not much learning was accomplished for the day.
I've met some wonderful families who become good friends in my Kindergarten classrooms, and today I was blessed by another family! One of the great moms of my room this year made me a beautiful scrapbook to fill with pictures from Brian's 4-day pass!! It was so unexpected, I couldn't help but cry as I turned each page and read the inscriptions that she choose. They were all so fitting for our journey! I can't wait to fill it with pictures from next week. Thanks Ashlee, Jake, Lewis, Mac and Levi!!
We had a great supper, the dishes were done, no laundry to do (actually I do, but the washer is broke, great excuse) and the kids had played great. It was bathtime! I usually do seperate bath times, but decided to let them bathe together since they were playing together so well. So, I put them in the tub and head into my room to get some stuff done when Ainsley starts SCREAMING "Brogan get out of the tub, quick!" "Mom, come here, HURRY!" I knew what had happened. Any other moms out there know what I'm about to see in the tub?!?! Yep, Brogan had a floater and he was so proud that he had totally grossed his sissy out and made her get out of the tub! Ainsley is completely grossed out and mortified while Brogan is laughing and saying "Look Sissy!" I was mad at the time, but later just had to laugh!!! We got the tub cleaned and Ainsley gave Brogan a little threat about not pooping in the tub or he was going to get vinegar!! He was pretty apologetic after that.
Finally, I was trying to rock Brogan to sleep tonight, but he was too interested in singing "the rocket song" (The Star Spangled Banner) with me to keep himself from falling asleep. He has gotten hooked on this song and won't let me sing my favorites "You Are My Sunshine" and "I Love You Brogan" because he KNOWS those are night-night songs. Anyways, he is starting to memorize the star spangled banner, so I decided to record it on the phone for Daddy to listen to. Daddy is at FOB all week, so I thought he could use some cheering up. Daddy called as soon as he got the message to let us know that he thought it was pretty cool. I told him about the whole bathtub incident and, you know Brian, he was laughing so hard he could hardly breath. I love that laugh - I can always pick him out in crowd by just listening for his laugh. We were enjoying our phone call since we hadn't talked for several days, but then he said, "Sorry Babe, I gotta go, the way people are moving around I think we are about to get a mortar attack." Crazy thought to be talking on the phone to your husband and he's about to be "under fire". Just to make it clear - it's all pretend right now. He's still "in country". So I could actually joke about it tonight and tell him to go take cover and get a good night's sleep.
Today was filled with so many different emotions. Tonight, I can sit back and laugh at everything that happened. I can go to sleep knowing that Brian will be ok through today's mortar attack and tomorrow's IED explosions. I can fall asleep with sweet thoughts of today and pleasant dreams for tomorrow. I hope you can too! Good night, sleep tight . . . . don't let the bed bugs bite.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Our Veteran - Our Hero
So, tomorrow, take a moment to remember those that have served their country. I'll remember my special veteran, along with my Grandpa Johnny!!
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Brogan holds tight to Daddy after his deployment ceremony in October in Salina |
Tomorrow, November 11, is a day set aside each year to honor our Veterans. Our family has been blessed with our own veteran in our lives. I've watched him go from a simple "one weekend a month, two weeks a year" soldier to a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I've seen him be lead by some great commanders and some not-so-great ones too! I've seen him go from the soldier who needs led, to now, being the soldier who is leading young soldiers off to war.
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Ainsley (15 mos.) at Brian's deployment ceremony in Ft. Riley 2004 |
Our family has also changed from one Veteran's Day to another. We've lived a circle of military life. We've been the simple KS National Guard soldier, then the family that flew a flag for 15 months and had a blue star banner hanging in our window, back to a weekend warrior family who welcomed our veteran back to the USA on Thanksgiving, and now, we are getting ready to hang our blue star banner back in our window and say, "Go serve our country with pride and honor and return home safely!"
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Daddy is trying to explain to Ainsley that he has to go back to "uwait" for a little longer. |
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
One of the soldiers in Brian's unit created this from their time in Salina. It's pretty cool!! Go to the bottom of the blog and mute my playlist so you can hear the music on the video.
Monday, November 1, 2010
4-Day Pass
Those of you familiar with the military know that these 3 little words are music to our ears, but can also be ripped from us without warning!! We have been hoping that Brian's 4-day pass would fall around Thanksgiving, but not even sure if he would get a 4-day pass. A couple of weeks ago, Brian thought his pass may come the week after Thanksgiving, but then last week, he was pretty sure he would be home for Thanksgiving. Am I surprised it changed . . . . . . . . Heavens NO, we've been with the Army way too long to write ANYTHING in PEN!!! Right ladies?!?!?!
In some ways, I'm glad that we will get to spend one last holiday with him, but in other ways I'm already stressing. Holidays are a great time to get with our families, share wonderful memories, and eat some good home-cooked meals, BUT they also bring with them stress, time crunches, tired-cranky kids, hurt feelings and most of the time - - - - sickness!! The stress is compounded even more this year with everyone wanting to get their "last supper" with Brian.
We appreciate everyone that wants to step out and wish him well, but we also need to spend our last moments quietly reflecting on our family and our blessings, especially our two most important blessings, Ainsley and Brogan. Brian and I have decided that we are going to spend our last few days as a family as just that ---as a family with the four of us. We are going to huddle up in our home and spend time laughing with one another, recalling great memories of the past and making new memories to last into the future. I can't wait to just be together for 4 days! I hope that time is on our side and allows us the time we need to prepare.
I think it's much harder to prepare this time . . . . for all of us. Last deployment, Brian and I knew that . . . a year was a long-time to tell your love goodbye. We didn't know . . . .that a year was actually 365 days, there would be trials that would arise that we never even imagined, that a missed call from your spouse would literally bring you to your knees in tears, and most importantly that a reunion was filled with more emotions than your heart, mind and soul could ever imagine! This time, we know ALL those things! We remember EVERYTHING.
Ainsley is also 6 years older this time. Last time, she just told Daddy goodbye like she did every day when he left for work or to run to the grocery store. When people would ask her where Daddy was she would say "oooowait" for Kuwait. She would only cry for him when she got in trouble from Mommy. Sometimes she wouldn't even talk to him on the phone, she had better things to do, like play with Chloe or pester Timber. But this time she knows it's not just goodbye like when Daddy goes to work, she understands the dangers that come with war, she realizes just how much she is going to miss her Daddy---- and this breaks our hearts even more.
On the other hand, Brogan is still young enough that he doesn't fully understand all the chaos and goodbyes that are going on. He likes to call Daddy on the phone and sing to him, but for now, he thinks it might just be ok with out Daddy (there's lots more room in the bed without him snoring beside us!! LOL). I think Brogan will be like Ainsley was and won't realize the "time componet" until Daddy comes home. Then he will realize that Daddy was gone for a LONG TIME and won't want to go to sleep for fear Daddy is leaving in the wee-hours of the morning.
So today, I am thankful for those three, sweet words "4-Day Pass". I am thankful for the memories we will get to make and the time we will spend together on our 4-Day pass. And, I am thankful to our family and friends who understand that this is our 4-day pass. Thank you for understanding that we need to be together during this time of transition and goodbyes. We hope you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as you spend time this Thanksgiving with your family. Many blessings to all of you!!
In some ways, I'm glad that we will get to spend one last holiday with him, but in other ways I'm already stressing. Holidays are a great time to get with our families, share wonderful memories, and eat some good home-cooked meals, BUT they also bring with them stress, time crunches, tired-cranky kids, hurt feelings and most of the time - - - - sickness!! The stress is compounded even more this year with everyone wanting to get their "last supper" with Brian.
We appreciate everyone that wants to step out and wish him well, but we also need to spend our last moments quietly reflecting on our family and our blessings, especially our two most important blessings, Ainsley and Brogan. Brian and I have decided that we are going to spend our last few days as a family as just that ---as a family with the four of us. We are going to huddle up in our home and spend time laughing with one another, recalling great memories of the past and making new memories to last into the future. I can't wait to just be together for 4 days! I hope that time is on our side and allows us the time we need to prepare.
I think it's much harder to prepare this time . . . . for all of us. Last deployment, Brian and I knew that . . . a year was a long-time to tell your love goodbye. We didn't know . . . .that a year was actually 365 days, there would be trials that would arise that we never even imagined, that a missed call from your spouse would literally bring you to your knees in tears, and most importantly that a reunion was filled with more emotions than your heart, mind and soul could ever imagine! This time, we know ALL those things! We remember EVERYTHING.
Ainsley is also 6 years older this time. Last time, she just told Daddy goodbye like she did every day when he left for work or to run to the grocery store. When people would ask her where Daddy was she would say "oooowait" for Kuwait. She would only cry for him when she got in trouble from Mommy. Sometimes she wouldn't even talk to him on the phone, she had better things to do, like play with Chloe or pester Timber. But this time she knows it's not just goodbye like when Daddy goes to work, she understands the dangers that come with war, she realizes just how much she is going to miss her Daddy---- and this breaks our hearts even more.
On the other hand, Brogan is still young enough that he doesn't fully understand all the chaos and goodbyes that are going on. He likes to call Daddy on the phone and sing to him, but for now, he thinks it might just be ok with out Daddy (there's lots more room in the bed without him snoring beside us!! LOL). I think Brogan will be like Ainsley was and won't realize the "time componet" until Daddy comes home. Then he will realize that Daddy was gone for a LONG TIME and won't want to go to sleep for fear Daddy is leaving in the wee-hours of the morning.
So today, I am thankful for those three, sweet words "4-Day Pass". I am thankful for the memories we will get to make and the time we will spend together on our 4-Day pass. And, I am thankful to our family and friends who understand that this is our 4-day pass. Thank you for understanding that we need to be together during this time of transition and goodbyes. We hope you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as you spend time this Thanksgiving with your family. Many blessings to all of you!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween Fun
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Free slideshow customized with Smilebox |
Ok, my 20 second pitty party has now come to an end! I promise to do this no more than once a week!!
Brogan and Ainsley both had a blast tonight! It was the first year that Brogan was really into the trick-r-treating by running up to the doors, ringing the door bell, and saying "trick-or-treat" when they answer the door. He didn't even worry about the candy that was going into his bag until we were almost done and he picked a sucker out of one candy bowl. From then on, he was on a mission for suckers!! Ainsley was such a big sister tonight. She held Brogan's hand and walked him to the doors. She made sure he didn't take too many pieces of candy and got him back to the van safely. I was very proud of her tonight!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!! Now, off to hide some candy so they don't eat it all in one night!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
0345 Wake-up again - This is Great!!
The title was posted on Brian's facebook wall on Sunday! Can't you just read the excitement in his typing!! When we talked on the phone I asked him why they felt the need to begin the day so early. "We're the Army honey. We get more done in our day before most people even wake up! They also want us at chow by 0500." I think maybe they are already getting them ready for the time change and the hot hours of working from 0100 to 1100. (I think it sounds more "military" if I put all the times in military! Do I really know what time I'm talking about? Not without counting!!)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Temporary Home . . . . . Indiana
Brian made it to Indiana early this morning. I'm assuming they are unpacking today and will start their training and classes tomorrow. It sounds strange, but I think he's just ready to get to Kuwait to set up his stuff and get started on his mission so he can get HOME.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pillowcases - a Deployment tradition in our house

So, for the next year, as we rest our heads each night on our painted pillowcases we can all remember the fun night we had TOGETHER as a FAMILY. We can remember cringing as Brogan decided to add a little more 'character' to each of our drawings, or laughing at Daddy who was grossed out painting his hands, or smiling at Ainsley and thinking about how much she's grown since the last time we painted pillowcases. Each night as we go to sleep on our pillowcases, we can once again, be together. We can meet each other . . . . in our dreams!
Tonight is our last night to be TOGETHER for a long-time. Brian and I have already talked about "not wanting the night to end", but we know time marches on and morning will be here at the same time tomorrow as it was today. So tonight and each night we are apart, we'll say a prayer to hold our family closer even though we have miles between us. We'll say prayers to keep each family member safe. We'll say a prayer to keep our family strong. We'll say a prayer to keep the 299 soldiers of the 778 HET Co. safe. And most importantly, we'll say a prayer to bring Brian HOME!!
Please keep Brian, our family, and the rest of the 299 soldiers and families of the 778 HET Transportation Co. in your prayers. May we all stay safe and strong.
Ali Mocabee or Rik Andes
If you are interested in learning more about Ali or Rik's photography business, please email me. They both have a referral program that offers a free product or discount to both the "old" customer and the "new" customer. So, if you book with them - be sure to mention my name!!! Thanks
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Goin' on a Bear Hunt
Brogan was singing "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" to Papa on our way to Salina on Saturday. Be sure to go to the bottom of the page and stop the playlist so you can hear the movie . . . .ENJOY!!
Last month, before Brian left for Salina, we went to Manhattan for a quick family getaway. While in Manhattan we had the priveledge of having our pictures taken by the talents of Rik Andes and Ali Mocabee.
Rik took the kids' pictures last year, so we knew we wanted to return to have him take our family pictures this year. I will have to post them as soon as I get a link to them.
Ali works with an organization called OPERATION LOVE: REUNITED that offers free photography to families of deploying soldiers. Here is the link to our pictures with Ali. We are SO EXCITED for these pictures . . . . . we hope you enjoy!!
Click on Ali's name to go to her website to view our family pictures. Ali Mocabee
Rik took the kids' pictures last year, so we knew we wanted to return to have him take our family pictures this year. I will have to post them as soon as I get a link to them.
Ali works with an organization called OPERATION LOVE: REUNITED that offers free photography to families of deploying soldiers. Here is the link to our pictures with Ali. We are SO EXCITED for these pictures . . . . . we hope you enjoy!!
Click on Ali's name to go to her website to view our family pictures. Ali Mocabee
Monday, October 18, 2010
Daddy's Home
Daddy made it home after a month in Salina for training. Nana, Papa, the kids and I all went down on Saturday to have supper with Daddy. It was WONDERFUL to see Brian. The kids were SUPER EXCITED to see their Daddy!
We had an eventful check-in at the Ramada and then ended up at Best Western for the evening. It's a long story, so I'll have to tell you later. I did get a discount at the liquor store and had a nice glass of wine to help cool my temper.
On Sunday morning, we went to the Bi-Centennial center for the 778th Deployment Ceremony. Brian's parents, Grandma Thummel, Connie and her family, Cheryl and Megan, and 2 of his Uncles came down to watch the ceremony. The Patriot Guard and the VFW Freedom Riders escorted the convoy and also had a flag walk for the soldiers. It was nice to see so many people come out on a Sunday for our soldiers. Brian had several people who have served with him before come up to him after the ceremony and acknowledge his service. It always makes me proud to say, "That's my husband." when I see that.
We ate lunch with my family and Brian's family in Salina before heading home for the day. Brian will report back on Thursday. His unit will then report to Camp Atterbury, IN for almost 4 weeks. We hope to get to see him at Thanksgiving, but we are not for sure. The next 4 days could be our last for the next year.
It was wonderful waking up to him in bed . . . . . ok, so it was a little crowded because Brogan was in between us and I had MAYBE 3 inches of the bed while the two of them were sleeing comfortable and roomy!! Just like old times!! Hopefully by the time Brian comes home from deployment Brogan is sleeping in his own bed . . . . . I'm not going to hold my breath!
We had an eventful check-in at the Ramada and then ended up at Best Western for the evening. It's a long story, so I'll have to tell you later. I did get a discount at the liquor store and had a nice glass of wine to help cool my temper.
On Sunday morning, we went to the Bi-Centennial center for the 778th Deployment Ceremony. Brian's parents, Grandma Thummel, Connie and her family, Cheryl and Megan, and 2 of his Uncles came down to watch the ceremony. The Patriot Guard and the VFW Freedom Riders escorted the convoy and also had a flag walk for the soldiers. It was nice to see so many people come out on a Sunday for our soldiers. Brian had several people who have served with him before come up to him after the ceremony and acknowledge his service. It always makes me proud to say, "That's my husband." when I see that.
We ate lunch with my family and Brian's family in Salina before heading home for the day. Brian will report back on Thursday. His unit will then report to Camp Atterbury, IN for almost 4 weeks. We hope to get to see him at Thanksgiving, but we are not for sure. The next 4 days could be our last for the next year.
It was wonderful waking up to him in bed . . . . . ok, so it was a little crowded because Brogan was in between us and I had MAYBE 3 inches of the bed while the two of them were sleeing comfortable and roomy!! Just like old times!! Hopefully by the time Brian comes home from deployment Brogan is sleeping in his own bed . . . . . I'm not going to hold my breath!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Brogan's Birthday Announcement

This morning, on our way to Nana & Papa's, Brogan was looking at the snow that lay on the ground while we were driving and said, "Sissy, snowin' . . . I wuv it!!" He just kept repeating this over and over, all the way to Nana & Papa's. It was so cute!!
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