Thursday, November 25, 2010

Above and Beyond

Our family would like to recognize Brian's employer, Western Plains Energy, for their support.  Employers have to keep a soldier's job available to the soldier upon returning from deployment, but WPE has went above and beyond what is expected of employers of deployed soldiers.  They have been supportive and told Brian that if there is anything they can do, to just let them know.  When Brian told them that he didn't know if he was going to be able to get home at Thanksgiving, Chris and Steve at WPE made it possible!  They purchased the airline tickets for Brian!!  I can't tell you how wonderful this gift to our family was. 

Deployment can get pretty expensive when you have to purchase an additional items for your soldier to make their deployment as good as can be.  Some of the items can be small toiletries, while others are "big ticket" items such as another laptop, camera, and internet to keep your soldier in communication with home.  It all starts to add up . . . .and very quickly I might add.  So, when WPE offered to purchase Brian's plane ticket this was a huge help to our family!  They brought our loved one home and didn't even ask for anything in return.

Thank you Chris and Steve and the rest of the WPE employees and board members for supporting our family during this deployment.

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