Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Smiles and Comfort Found in a Laundry Basket

Who would have thought that you could find happiness in a laundry basket?  Today, I found my bliss while sitting on the couch folding laundry.  The kids were busy showing Daddy our entire household inventory, I think they forgot that he has lived here before - LOL.  At the same time, Brian was busy going through things in the house and making sure everything was still working the way it should be.  I was doing the usual, folding laundry.  I was about half-way through the basket when I seen a couple pairs of long, white tube socks lying there waiting to be put with their mate, and I felt BLISS!!  I know, it seems weird, but I've missed being able to do some of the most mundane things like - fold Brian's socks!  When I seen those socks lying inside the laundry basket it just felt so right and comfortable to be doing his laundry. . . . . . he's home!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 8

Blessing 8 ~ Ainsley & Brogan!  Ainsley and Brogan help keep everything in perspective during our deployment. 

I remember during Brian's first deployment a local waitress asked me how I could have a smile on my face and be ready to face the world.  She said that if she were in my shoes she would just be laying in bed crying and worrying. I had a one year old ready to face the world each morning.  There was no way I could lay in bed, cry and feel sorry for myself.  I owed it to my daughter to be the best mommy she needed while her daddy was gone.

This deployment is no different.  Although we continuously have them in mind when each time we re-enlist, they are not old enough to be asked the question, "Should we re-enlist for another xx years?"  Ainsley and Brogan have their little safety net completly ripped open for a bit while Brian is away.  I try to med the net back together as best as I can, but I know that the netting is much stronger when Brian and I work together to raise our children.

Our children have handled this deployment so well!  They both make us proud!  I knew that Brogan wouldn't understand the whole logistics of deployment, but I was also worried about him not being able to understand that Daddy will be gone for a LONG time and not being real good with communicating to Brian when he called or skyped.  However, Brogan has done well.  He knows the sound of skype when it comes on my computer and is very good about taking control of the conversation and pushing everyone else out of the way.  I knew he was old enough not to forget who Brian was, but I have the fear that he may ignore his Daddy when Brian comes home. 

Now Ainsley, I know won't be ignoring her daddy!  She is a Daddy's girl through and through!!  This deployment has been very hard on Ainsley, but she has held her head high and has coped pretty well on the outside.  There are still nights that she breaks down at bedtime and cries that she misses Daddy or gets upset when she finds out that Brogan got to skype Daddy while she was in school.  She is so excited to have Daddy home!  I know she will be running to jump back into her daddy's arms as soon as she seems him walking through the terminal.   . . . . I just looked at the picture on our wall from Brian's first R&R when Ainsley was just 2 years old!  She seen her Daddy and nearly knocked 2 old ladies over as she went running to him.  As soon as he scooped her up, their eyes locked and you can just see the excitement and love beaming in their eyes and smiles!  The quote "Life is not measured by the the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away" is a perfect caption for that photograph and I can't wait to have another moment that takes our breath away!!

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 7

Blessing 7 ~ Our Faith!  This deployment has been successful because of my faith.  At the beginning of the deployment, even before Brian left for the sand, I was having lots of anxiety and horrible nightmares.  I know I shared these with a few of you.  My nightmares were very vivid, realistic and becoming more frequent.  It was very hard to concentrate on anything life handed me, because I was so uptight over the unknown.  After Christmas I finally decided to let go of my anxiety and hand it over to someone else.  Him.  I made the conscience decision to live without worry and fret.  I still continue to pray for Brian's safe return and to keep the kids and I safe and healthy while waiting for his return, but for now, I'm living with the belief that no matter how much worrying I do, our life story has already been written.  My nightmares have ceased, they are no more, and I'm thankful for that.  I can live in peace. 

Our faith in one another and our marriage has also been a huge blessing.  If Brian and I were to walk into a marriage counselor and write down all of the so-called "life changing moments" in the last 5 years of our marriage - I think the counselor would laugh and tell us the name of the nearest divorce lawyer.  But instead of these life changing moments tearing us apart, we have grown stronger and more bonded in one another.  I'm not going to lie and tell you that it has always been a bed of rose petals, but instead it has sometimes been a bed of roses and those thorns have hurt like hell.  But through it all we have believed in our marriage and have done more than just "make our marriage work."  We have made our marriage a way of life and neither of us want to live without it.  We hold each other and ourselves to very high standards in our marriage and the value of it.  We plan to be in this for the long run.  I want to be like my great-grandparents and celebrate our 65+ years of marriage while being surrounded by family and friends.  And this deployment has been a blessing to make this marriage one strong step closer to reaching our golden anniversary in the year 2050!! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 6

Blessing 6 ~ My friends.  I have some wonderful friends that have helped me survive this deployment.  Many of you have been there to help me up when I've needed it.  Some of us have shed a few tears together and talked for hours about the struggles we are facing when the one we love is out of reach.  Some of us catch a few minutes here and there to see how life is going or check on one another when we know the other needs it.  Although I may not always be able to pick up the phone and chat regularly or always make it to a girl's night out, I do value our friendship.  Hopefully when things begin to slow down in my life, I can be a more active participant in our friendship.  Until then, thank you for taking this little ride with me and not getting to annoyed by my lack of participation.  I know my true friends, because they know, I would never do it on purpose - - I just tend to be very forgetful and easily distracted. :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 5

Blessing 5 ~ My blessing today is the Oakley Christian Church Vacation Bible School!!  Every night this week the kids will spend 2 1/2 hours having fun, making crafts and learning God's word with friends!!  Ainsley loves their VBS and I can see why.  They are so energetic and welcoming to everyone.  Not only am I excited that the kids get to participate in VBS again this year, but it's also 2 1/2 hours that I can get some things done at home.  It's 2 1/2 hours where I can watch a movie with no interruptions, pay the bills, chat with a friend, or get the last 3 loads of laundry folded and put away.  Basically, it is 2 1/2 hours of pure bliss!! 

I also would like to thank the Oakley Christian Church bible club for their support this summer.  As soon as they found out Brian was deployed, they asked the children to write letters to Brian and his fellow soldiers.  Brian was too busy to be able to write a letter back, so I asked the children's minister, Linda and the Youth minister, Jason if Brian could skype the kids during bible club.  They happily agreed.  Brian showed the kids some videos of sandstorms, pictures from his deployment now and back in 04-05, then he allowed them to ask him questions.  He said they did really good with their questions.  Thank you OCC for supporting our family, letting Ainsley join you each Wednesday, and more.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 4

Blessing 4 ~  I couldn't go through this deployment without the doctors, nurses and other medical staff that, unfortunately, we have had to deal with!  Between Ainsley's broken arm in August, Brogan's dislocated hip, Brogan's stomach issues and hospitalizations, Brogan's pneumonia, Ainsley's 2nd broken arm, 5 ER trips, and more doctor's appointments then you can count we have seen so many doctors in our small area and they have all been wonderful!  Dr. Machen even chatted with Brian on skype while Brogan was in the hospital on Easter.  Each time I walk through the Quinter clinic, they just smile.  I know behind that smile they are probably saying, "Glad it's her and not me!"  LOL  But we are truly greatful for a great group of healthcare professionals in our area that care for us and talk to us on a personal level. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 3

Blessing #3 ~ One of my greatest blessings through our deployment has been family!  Ainsley, Brogan and I our fortunate to have our extended family live very close.  When my husband goes on deployment, so does our close family, friends, neighbors and coworkers.  They often don't know it until he's gone, but the kids and I start leaning on others for help and support of all kinds.  And believe me, we've called on family and they've delivered so many times through this deployment.  From homemade meals, watching the kids for me, yard work, attending the kids' events, visits in the hospital or just checking in to see if all is well at home.  Our whole family extends a big THANK YOU to all of you!  We could not have survived so well through this deployment without your help and support.  Whether your actions have been in large volume or just a few times, your kindness has been felt and our hearts were touched.  THANK YOU!!!

Are You Flippin' Kidding Me?!?!?!

Yes, I use the F-word all the time.  I'm always saying "flippin"  just ask my mom, who hates the word flippin.  And it truly is the word flippin', not the other F-word.  And today, I've hit a world record saying it!!  I couldn't make this stuff up, even if I tried!

Today was supposed to be a very boring day, but it turned out to be a day full of excitement, anger, anxiety, joy, disappointment, heartache and laughter!  I've decided that boring is not in our family vocabulary!

We started the morning running late, with the kids coming to work with me to finish packing up my room for the summer.  I had been prepared and had bicycles loaded in the van so they could ride on the playground while I worked.  Brogan wasn't himself.  He was very tired and complaining that his legs hurt.  I had to carry him to the van because he said he couldn't walk.  He fell asleep before we even hit interstate.  His allergies and asthma have been bothering him with the weather, so I just thought he was over-tired from the restless nights he's been having.  Didn't think there was too much to worry or be concerned about.  As soon as we got to the school, Brogan THREW UP!  That's right, we had to drive 20 miles to have him throw up, and turn around and go back home.  "Are you flippin' kidding me?!?"  Not now!  I have report cards to finish, pink sheets for Jamie to complete, online surveys for check-out, a classroom to clean and pack-away, PLUS oodles and oodles of things to get finished at home before Brian comes home.  I don't have time for vomit!!  Brogan was in good spirits and was actually more alert after vomitting.  He was happy to get in the tub and put his new jammies and panties underwear.  (He's grown so much that he's in need of a new wardrobe.)

Ainsley quickly unloaded her bike from the van and took off to go ride bikes with Eric A. down the street.  They've been planning this for over a month!  They were pretending to be house appraisers.  I had to tell her that they could only "appraise" at the park after I spotted the two of them "appraising" the neighbors house and garage.  I didn't need the police called for two neighborhood kids lurking around houses.  After lunch, the two of them went back to their little bike ride and appraising adventures.  Around 1:30, Ainsley came home crying.  They had decided to try their hand at rollerblading and Ainsley, who has her mommy's agility, had fallen on her arm.  "Are you flippin' kidding me?!?"  She wasn't crying hysterically, but more of a "I just skinned my knee" kind of cry.  I told her that I thought she was fine and she actually got grounded because she wasn't supposed to be at their house, just on a bike ride.  

My sister called shortly after Ainsley came home to tell me that I had a new baby niece, Aleya Kayann!!  We were all pretty excited about Miss Aleya's arrival, but also, bummed that we couldn't go start giver little Miss Aleya hugs and kisses.  Poor Brogan couldn't get her name right, Leela, Eli, Leehi, yeeli.  I think she might need a nickname for a little while!  Hopefully once he gets to hold her, he can put her name to her face.  He's a baby hog, so I asked him who got to hold Baby Aleya first and he said, "You do!"  WOW!!  I'm so excited!!  I hope he keeps his promise tomorrow when we go meet her.

Brogan was beginning to feel better and asking to play outside, so I sent him out to enjoy the wonderful 70 degree-no wind day we were having.  I actually thought our bad day had come to an end.  I sat down to finish up my grade cards, check facebook and get sucked into my new addiction Pinterest.  We even ran to Dairy King for a french vanilla Pepsi. Yes, I've even got my kids hooked on french vanilla pepsi.  And, in case you've never tried a FV Pepsi from Dairy King, you have to!  It's a sin not to! 

The day was starting to look up!  I had delicious FV Pepsi, a little boy who seemed to be over whatever bug he'd had earlier, and a new little niece that was waiting for her Aunt Stacy to come spoil her~she even squaked when her mommy was talking to me on the phone.  Almost as if she was saying, please come spoil me Aunt Stacy!!~ 

Ainsley started complaining about her arm hurting again.  I couldn't tell if she was really in pain or just more upset that she was grounded from her bike.  We ate supper and I watched as she was completly favoring her arm.  Each time I asked her where it hurt, she was always consistent on where her arm was hurting.  After supper, I decided to take her to the ER.   . . . . . .and it was broke!  "Are you flippin' kidding me?!?"  It's broke about an inch above her left wrist.  It's the same arm she broke in August!  They just put a splint on it in case it swells.  We go back to the doctor on Monday where they will decide to cast or splint it.  "Are you flippin' kidding me?!?"  "Are you flippin' kidding me?!?"  "Are you flippin' kidding me?!?"  ARE YOU FLIPPIN' KIDDING ME?!?" 

By this point, is all I could do was laugh!  I called a couple friends and they just laughed too, followed by, "I'm sorry, it's not funny, but, OMG what more could happen!?!?"

By the time we got home, Ainsley was starting to really complain of pain.  She didn't like the way the attending nurse had pushed against her wrist.  Ainsley said it wasn't very nice of her!  LOL  So, I decided that we were doing baths, breathing treatments and bedtime before anything else could happen!  Oh, but it did . . . our water heater pretty much went out!  It's been limping along all deployment long.  Poor Ainsley had about 3 minutes of a hot shower followed by a lukewarm to chilly shower.  First time ever she's actually asked me to blow dry her hair. 

So, I'm off to bed.  Both children are snuggled in bed . . . Ainsley with some good pain medicine and Brogan with Benadryl for his allergy nose.  I hope we all have a peaceful night's sleep and get to enjoy baby Aleya tomorrow!!

I'm asking for prayers over the next 9 days!  Prayers for health and healing: Brogan's allergies and asthma are really giving him fits right now and Ainsley, of course, needs some extra healing in her arm.  Prayers for PEACE and serenity to help me get everything accomplished before Brian comes home and still be able to keep it under control!

Blessings to everyone this weekend!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

10 DAYS, 10 BLESSINGS . . . . DAY 2

Blessing #2 ~ Today I was blessed with the arrival of my new little niece, Aleya Kayann!  Little Miss Aleya arrived shortly before 1 p.m. today.  She weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long.  She has the cutests chubby cheeks and Nana said she has quite a bit of dark hair.  Her big brother, Jatin-3, is a pretty proud and protective big brother.  Congratulations to my sister and brother-in-law, Kayla and Bruce.  I can't wait to go see her tomorrow.  Aleya's favorite aunt is ready to start spoiling!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 Days, 10 Blessings . . . .Day 1

10 DAYS!!!  I am so excited I can hardly sit still.  My mind is racing in a thousand different directions!  Since we have 10 days before our family is reunited again, I decided to start a 10 Deployment Blessings in 10 Days series to not only show you, but to show myself some of the blessings this deployment has brought to me or our family.

Every week, I have two wonderful Kindergarten moms that volunteer for about 2 hours in my classroom.  They are wonderful additions to our classroom each week.  The kids and I both look forward to their weekly visits.  Ashlee and Suzanne have been so supportive and helpful to me this year, especially with all that has gone on.

This is the second time I have been blessed to have Suzanne as a classroom parent.  Two years ago, I met her when I was her daughter, Lara's kindergarten teacher.  Suzanne quickly became the favorite mom with Brian and the kids because she would often send home wonderful home-cooked suprises with me. This year, I got to have Tate in my classroom!  The Murdock's have become great family friends.  Suzanne has been my "go to" mom for two years.  She's the mom that I call on when I need help with a class party, she's been the mom that's not afraid to get dirty (she painted 22- 5-year old's feet!), and has become a great friend outside of school.

Ashlee, the spunky mother of three curly-haired little boys, came into my room at the begining of the year eager to do lots of volunteering.  Little did she know, I would take her up on the offer!  Ashlee came to my room every Wednesday morning with her curly-haired 2-year old, Levi, in tow to help with whatever I needed at the moment.  She has also become a great friend and we share many interests.  It's been fun to chat with her and get to know her and her family this year.  Ashlee has always been so supportive this year and has offered help whenever I need it.

Today, I was truly touched by the generosity of these two parents friends.  I was brought to tears with their gift for Brian and I.  Thank you to both of you and your families.  You are friends that I hope to keep outside of the classroom.  Again, you outdone yourself.  THANK YOU!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

14 Days Until He's Back!!!

Yep, you read it right!!  In 14 days, our family will be reunited for a short, but exciting reunion with Brian!!  I can't wait!  My emotions have been on overload since May 1.  I didn't want to start the countdown until school was out, but instead, I started the 31 day countdown.  I am almost to melt-down mode and we haven't even hit the one week mark yet. 

I've got so much to do before Brian walks back through the door and this is the BUSIEST time of the year for me as a teacher. . . . . I've got to finish up this school year, pack away the classroom and plan for next fall, get the house in order, make a tentative plan for R-n-R, and more!!  Oh, and I'm waiting for my new niece or nephew to arrive at any moment!!  YIKES!! 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

I can't imagine the celebration in AJ and other US camps around the world with the news of our soldiers completing the ultimate mission at hand!!  I almost thought it was a hoax or a sick joke when I read the first post on a friend's Facebook wall "Wahoo!!! Osama bin laden has been killed! Finally!! A good day for every man and woman in uniform!"  I quickly seen it popping up on my homepage from military and non-military friends.  I then went to MSN where I seen it and began believing that the mission of the US had been completed!! 

I am eager to see how the road now unfolds in this war.  I am hopeful that this news will help bring a new sense of accomplishment and pride to our soldiers who have fought for the mission since 9-11.

Also, before I end for tonight, I want to ask that everyone say a quick prayer to the families of Sgt. Derrick Lutters of Goodland.  Derrick was killed in Iraq on May 1, 2005, during Brian's last deployment.  Derrick was a member of the 170th Maint. Co., but was serving with the 891st. Engineer Co. in Iraq when he was killed. May his family, friends and fellow soldiers still find peace and comfort in the memories they made with Derrick.