Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun

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I was actually DREADING today . . . .Halloween.  I know it is supposed to be that fun day, once a year when we carve pumpkins, get dressed up in our Halloween costumes and walk the neighborhood trick-or-treating.  But, this would make the fourth Halloween that I've had to do it without Brian.  It's not just the fact that it's hectic getting pumpkins carved, seeds soaking, getting 2 children dressed and walking out the door with a smile, loading and unloading them from the van OVER AND OVER, and more.  It's that it's another holiday without Daddy! It's one more time doing it alone.  I know those of you reading this that have never had to do it alone don't really understand how lonely it is.  I think I was also dreading it because it was the "first" of many things that I will be doing without Brian for the next year. 

Ok, my 20 second pitty party has now come to an end!  I promise to do this no more than once a week!!

Brogan and Ainsley both had a blast tonight!  It was the first year that Brogan was really into the trick-r-treating by running up to the doors, ringing the door bell, and saying "trick-or-treat" when they answer the door.  He didn't even worry about the candy that was going into his bag until we were almost done and he picked a sucker out of one candy bowl.  From then on, he was on a mission for suckers!!  Ainsley was such a big sister tonight.  She held Brogan's hand and walked him to the doors.  She made sure he didn't take too many pieces of candy and got him back to the van safely.  I was very proud of her tonight!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!!  Now, off to hide some candy so they don't eat it all in one night!!

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