As we pulled up to the school, Brogan came barreling out of the van and was very excited to go inside. As he walked the long sidewalk to the front door, it was almost as if he was growing up with every step. Once inside the front doors and Brogan stayed right beside me as we walked the long hallway to the preschool room. I think the quiet, long hallway was bigger than he expected. It was kind of fun to walk him down the same hallway that I had walked when I was in grade school. So much seemed the same, yet so much had changed since I had walked that long hallway in my childhood. I hoped that Brogan would make wonderful memories just as I had so many years ago.
We reached Mrs. Weiser's classroom at the end of the hallway. Brogan was pretty excited once we went through the door and he was greeted by Mrs. Weiser's smiling face. He seen a couple friends and was ready to stay. I had to go find him in the classroom to give him good-bye kisses. - - -- -Wow!! It seems as though I just blinked and my little Brogan went from a baby cradled in my arms to an energetic preschooler.

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