Friday, February 11: My little guy is growing up! He went to preschool screening and did FABULOUS!! This mommy was so proud of her little guy!! WARNING: Bragging is about to begin: Brogan knows almost all of his upper and lower-case letters!! YEAH!! Now we need to start working on numbers and those wonderful Animated Literacy sounds and gestures!
I also got out of my inservice early enough to catch Ainsley's Valentine's Day party at school. She was pretty excited to see me show up since it was a suprise!

Saturday, February 12: We went to Megan's confirmation and got to see a few family members from Brian's side of the family. Uncle Steve and Brogan played Buzz Lightyear after supper. Brogan thought it was so much fun! Ainsley enjoyed visiting with Grandma Thummel and the rest of the family. 

Sunday, February 13: It was such a nice day outside that the kids went out and played in the little bit of snow that was left and rode their bikes. They have both been dying to ride their bikes since the first cold spell in November.

Monday, February 14: Ainsley didn't have school, so both kids were hanging out at Nana's house. Brian decided to Skype them and to tell Nana that a couple Valentine deliveries would be arriving sometime during the day. While the kids were talking to their Daddy the doorbell rang and it was our local flower shop delivering the stuffed animals and balloons Brian had ordered for Ainsley and Brogan. Talk about timing!! Brian got to see the kids' reactions to getting suprises and he actually got to see what he bought.
Then, when I got home, I found my beautiful suprise waiting for me!! I was extremely impressed with my husband! He called Sam's and had her pick out a purse for me and take it to the flower shop. Then, he called the flower shop and had them put the flowers inside the purse. The purse and the flowers were BEAUTIFUL!! They were so me. They were perfect!!
Tuesday, February 15: WE HAD SCHOOL!! We've had a snow-Tuesday for the last 3 weeks, so it was such a suprise to actually have school on Tuesday!! Yippee!! I got home from work a little early so we ran by the library to grab a few books. I introduced Ainsley to The Boxcar Children. We are currently reading the first book at bedtime.
Wednesday, February 16: Wednesday must have been uneventful because I can't remember 1 thing about it.
Thursday, February 17: The staff at my school does FFF: Fast Food Friday. We take turns being in-charge of the location, orders, and delivery. I decided I wanted to make some chocolate chip cookies for Friday, so my little chef, Brogan and I made several dozen cookies to take to school for FFF. I think Brogan came close to eating 1/2 dozen himself. He is definitely a cookie monster!!
Friday, February 18: Well, the day started off with Brogan stealing a couple cookies before heading out the door to Nana & Papa's in the morning. He was his usual energetic self. . . . . Mom called me around 11:30 to see what kind of cookies Brogan had ate in the morning because he had been throwing up all morning long. Yes, I know this would make it about the sixth time Brogan has had the stomach bug. By 1:30, Mom called me back at school and told me that I needed to get him to Quinter because he was too weak to even hold up his head and he was also becoming delirious.
We got to the clinic around 3:00. After seeing the doctor, who almost got a lap full of regurgitated water, Dr. Nemecheck came to the conclusion that Brogan needed to be hospitalized. Poor little Brogan had to endure a couple attempts at an IV. . . . he was such a brave little boy. Mommy was being as brave as she could singing songs and holding him down, but she still had tears. Nana felt sorry for her little guy, too. Once they got the IV hooked up, he looked at the nurse and said, "You were hurting me and I told you to stop and you didn't!"
They gave him some medicine that to stop the nausea and reduce the low-grade fever that started once we got to the hospital. The medicine was supposed to knock him out for the night, but he made liars out of all them. He was still going strong at 10:00 that evening!!
Saturday, February 19: Nana brought the mini-DVD player up to the hospital along with a bag full of movies to help entertain Brogan. He was already starting to feel so much better by lunch time on Saturday. He was still hooked to IV's, but let me tell you, it didn't slow him down one bit! Nana about lost her lunch when he took off running and she could see the IV pulling tight. . . .
Aunt Cheryl came to visit Brogan Saturday night and let Mommy run get some "real" food and a fountain drink. Mommy was starting to go a little crazy!! Brogan was so excited that he felt good enough to eat some Macaroni and cheese for supper on Saturday night!!

So, THAT was our week!! I hope yours was a little less eventful than ours. Thank you to all of you that called, texted or stopped by to show you were concerned about Brogan. It really means alot. It amazes me how many people took the time to say a little prayer or send a quick text to show you cared about him. Believe me, your concern and thoughtfulness didn't go unnoticed!
Whew! What a week! I guess we picked a good night for Ainsley to stay over!