Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flu: A Yucky Epidemic in the Wolf's Den

This fall, we made our annual trip to the county health department to get our flu vaccines.  Both children opted for the nose spray this time.  Whether it was the nose spray to blame or our stressed out life this year, I'm not sure, BUT the kids have each had the flu 3 times since October and I have had it twice!! 

We started the week with a WONDERFUL snow day for all 3 of us, but the week has went downhill from there!!  Yesterday morning, wee hours of the morning I might add, Brogan woke up vomitting.  Poor little guy - and he had  to do it in my bed.  I put him in the tub and the bedding in the wash.  We moved out to the couch with our trusty ice cream bucket and spent the rest of the night dealing with "it."  By morning, Ainsley woke up with a tummy ache and other flu symptoms, so we all stayed home from school and Nana's.  By noon, both kids seem to feeling much better and even ate a light lunch, followed later by a light supper.  I was sure I was going to work Wednesday.

WRONG!!  I sent the kids to bed early last night, only for BOTH of them to wake up before 10 complaining of tummy aches and 1 throwing up!  Wouldn't be going to work for the third day this week!  We were up again throughout the night.  Mommy checking on each little one to make sure they were still laying on their towel, didn't have a fever, and no tummy aches in sight. 

We are all going stir crazy in the house today.  Both kids want to go to Nana & Papa's house, but that ain't gonna happen!!  We're across town and Dad will probably still catch the flu from us, which isn't good.  The kids take turns hollering at one another for either being in the same room as each other or because one of them looked at the other one!  Neither one is vomitting (AMEN to that) but they are both extremely tired and irritable and this Mommy is getting tired and irritable of their irratability and grouchiness!!

So, here's hoping PRAYING that all 3 of us get to leave this house in the morning to go back to our normal daily lives.  I've got a 7:30 a.m. meeting and I'm actually wanting to go to it!!  Crazy - I know!!  Ainsley's ready to get back to second grade and Brogan's ready to turn Nana's house upside down. 

So, if anyone would like to take our little "bug" for a visit, please stop by and pick him up.  His bags are packed and he's got his travel orders ready!!


  1. Oh, what a bummer! Hope you get to leave the house tomorrow. And that the flu leaves your house for GOOD!

  2. I did not invite the bug over but he sure made himself welcome!! You shipped him out and he came right over....haha. I haven't had the flu for years.
