I have been so fortunate, during this deployment, to get to talk to Brian either by video skype, email, phone, text, or Facebook on a daily basis. At first, I didn't take any of those conversations for granted. I would devote my time to our conversation. I knew these were precious conversations and ones that I needed to help me get through the first few months of deployment. When Brian flew into Kuwait on December 1, I was prepared (or told myself to be prepared) that we would not hear from him for about a week. I remember just falling to pieces on my drive to work the first morning after he arrived "in sand" when he called me to tell me he had made the trip. I was so excited to him from him. Neither of us knew at the time when our next conversation would be, so we prepared ourselves as best as we could.
Our first deployment was not so far in the past for me to forget how precious this daily communication was. I can remember talking by phone or email
maybe every 2-3 weeks, and often times those were only a 5-10 minute conversation because the lines would go dead unexpectedly. I believe we only video chatted twice in that year. It was so hard!! Technology has been completely awesome during this deployment!! It is a tool that is almost as important as their kevlar!!
But, our communication has started to get pretty scattered. We haven't been able to video skype because the internet connection has not been able to handle it. The other night, when the kids were trying to talk to him, they kept losing the connection. Brogan kept telling me, "Mommy, quit pushing O-F-F! Call him back!" He couldnt' understand that Mommy wasn't pushing the off button. Now, our communication has stopped for awhile. Brian is out on his first mission for the next 10 days or so. Ugh!! I was REALLY liking him not leaving post. I know he is much happier out on his mission, but this wife doesn't like it . . one . . bit!!