Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Happy Birthday to my sweetness!  I love you more than anything.  I know it's your first day back to work and things are starting to get busy, so hopefully you find a little bit of time to enjoy and have fun!!

Love you!!!

You may help us wish Brian a Happy Birthday by going to Happy Birthday Wishes for BRIAN or clicking COMMENT on the second video.  You can either type your comment or, if you have a mic, you can record a message for Brian!  I can't wait to see everyone's wishes!!  If you can't get it to work, give me a call and I will help you - 672-7536

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Missing him

I've been in quite the slump the last week, really missing Brian and all that he is to me.  I'm missing my partner, my lover and my best friend.  Brian has been out of Skype range for over a week and a half, not good timing for me missing him.

I've always known that we have that "special" relationship that most people wish for.  Although we've been separated a lot in our almost-11 years of marriage, when he's home, we do pretty much everything together!  We are always sharing our wishes, dreams, failures and obstacles with one another.  It's been hard this week not being able to talk to him about my obstacles.  I haven't been able to share things and for him to be able to listen and give the advise and pep-talk I need.  One truly is a lonely number!  Especially after the kids are in bed and you are having a hard week.  I need my other 1/2.

We've had a busy week at home with me baby-sitting during the day, our local fair in the evenings, and a family wedding this weekend.  All of which, we did without Brian of course.  It's so hard going to different things without Brian.  I always feel like the third wheel, no matter who the company is. -  Ainsley is even starting to feel that way.  She will say things like - it's just not as fun without Daddy is it?  Nope little girl, it's not.  It's so hard to see that others are quick to move on and "get used" to Brian being gone when it's not a part of their every breath.  It hurts and it's scary all at the same time to see how quickly life goes back to normal for some.

Well, enough complaining.  Brian should be back in Skype range in the next day or so - I can hardly wait!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

For Patty :)

This post is for my great friend Patty :) I took your advise Patty and changed the font size -
I hope it's much easier to read now!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Template ~ DESIGNED BY ME!!!

I did it!!  I designed the new template for our blog!!  A couple of weeks ago I designed the template for my teaching blog from the Land of Aha-Z.  It took me almost 2 weeks to figure all the coding, but tonight it only took me about 2 hours from start to finish to do this blog.  I think I may have found myself a new hobby ~ designing templates for others!!  Let me know what you think of the new design.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Button Added

Wow!!  Summer has been pretty busy in our house as I am sure it has been in yours!!  I have not been updating the blog like I know I should be.  Brian started complaining because he likes to see the blog, so I decided I needed to get back on the blogging wagon.

I have added a "Subscribe by Email" button to the right side of the blog.  If you sign-up, you will get an automatic email each time I post something new.  I don't always email everyone when I make posts so this will let you know as soon as I update the blog.

I've also been playing with creating my own blogger designs, so check back in the near future to see my tech-geeky side come out!  It's been really fun to learn about the "technical side".  It's my secret life!!  LOL

Have a wonderful week!  We're heading to the fair this week!  I'm really wishing for a cool front to hit!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Communication . . .Lost

I have been so fortunate, during this deployment, to get to talk to Brian either by video skype, email, phone, text, or Facebook on a daily basis.  At first, I didn't take any of those conversations for granted.  I would devote my time to our conversation.  I knew these were precious conversations and ones that I needed to help me get through the first few months of deployment.  When Brian flew into Kuwait on December 1, I was prepared (or told myself to be prepared) that we would not hear from him for about a week.  I remember just falling to pieces on my drive to work the first morning after he arrived "in sand" when he called me to tell me he had made the trip.  I was so excited to him from him.  Neither of us knew at the time when our next conversation would be, so we prepared ourselves as best as we could.

Our first deployment was not so far in the past for me to forget how precious this daily communication was. I can remember talking by phone or email maybe  every 2-3 weeks, and often times those were only a 5-10 minute conversation because the lines would go dead unexpectedly.  I believe we only video chatted twice in that year.  It was so hard!!  Technology has been completely awesome during this deployment!! It is a tool that is almost as important as their kevlar!!

But, our communication has started to get pretty scattered.  We haven't been able to video skype because the internet connection has not been able to handle it.  The other night, when the kids were trying to talk to him, they kept losing the connection.  Brogan kept telling me, "Mommy, quit pushing O-F-F!  Call him back!"  He couldnt' understand that Mommy wasn't pushing the off button.  Now, our communication has stopped for awhile.  Brian is out on his first mission for the next 10 days or so.  Ugh!!  I was REALLY liking him not leaving post.  I know he is much happier out on his mission, but this wife doesn't like it . . one . . bit!!