Brian is currently going through the demobilization process in Camp Atterbury, Indiana. He will return to Kansas this weekend. Ainsley, Brogan and I, along with our extended family and friends are excited to welcome him home on Sunday!!! Look for some awesome pictures coming to a blog near you next week!!

Stacy, you have done a wonderful job, being a wife of a deployed soldier, a temporary "single" mom, a teacher, a great daughter, and a friend to many. Though I haven't seen you throughout this year, through your blog and your posts, I've kept up with your family, and have kept you all in my thoughts and prayers. You are very creative and I can see you taking up a new hobby...creating web pages, and just being a creative person. I am so happy for you all, and I know this weekend has been THE one you've been waiting for, since the day Brian left. Your reunion will be a happy one, yet I know the next few months will not always be smooth, as there will be adjustments for all of you to make. But your love will carry you through, and your faith, and you will all be stronger because of it. Congratulations for a job well done...and not just you, but your kids...and, Brian...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY! Sincerely, Marilyn Bailey